a close up of a brown algae

Brown algae, from environmentally destructive pest to a high-quality supplier of raw materials.

In the coastal regions and fishing grounds off almost all coasts of the world, especially in the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, Australia and South America, a (toxic) species of brown algae has spread in recent years, endangering fishing and causing enormous ecological damage. The participating chairs at TUM, the University of Hohenheim and LMU have many years of experience with this type and processing of saltwater macroalgae.

Samples are taken on site to optimize specific applications based on yield and species. This enables the scientists to optimize processes based on the algae found in the region and use them as biomass.

  • Relief for the local environment
  • Three acute problems are solved: Invasive pests, energy, water
  • Creation of added value and skilled jobs locally
  • Simple, quickly deployable technology with manageable investments
  • Established machinery and plant technology can be used, which reduces investments and simplifies local production.
  • Utilization of otherwise unusable biomass
  • Protection of fishing grounds and biodiversity and the livelihood of fishermen
  • It is not necessary to cultivate algae separately on site
  • Complete utilization of the biomass (lipids, Omega3, fertilizer, fish food) etc.
  • The algae can simply be „fished“, fishermen can be paid for it as a raw material
  • Securing tourism, sustainable environmental protection
  • Use as a raw material for energy production and platform chemicals


Brown algae and the raw materials and products that can be produced from them can be used in a circular way and serve as the basis for numerous chemical products and for energy production.

Despite the ongoing decarbonization of the mobility sector, CO2-based fuel production with high energy density will still be required in the coming decades. The specific technology requirements of the aviation industry in particular by now only allow the use of liquid energy sources. Significant preliminary work has already been done in the areas of microalgae-based kerosene, biotechnologically produced fuel additives (e.g. 10-HSA, antioxidants) and microbial production of oils.

Algae on the beach in Australia.

The latter process converts CO2 and „green“ hydrogen (e.g. from wind power-driven electrolysis) into energy sources such as bioethanol and other low-molecular substances (e.g. acetic acid).

Of course, the bio-oils obtained in this step can also be used for the production of sustainable food and chemicals, which leads to synergies with the work described above.

As access to sustainable hydrogen is also essential for syngas fermentation, new cell systems and processes for biogenic hydrogen production have been established that promote synergies with physical hydrogen production. A particular focus here is the little-studied chemo-lithotrophic hydrogen production, which makes it possible to use inorganic substrates to generate hydrogen.

In addition to the mobility sector, sustainable solutions must also be found for petroleum-based platform- and fine chemicals. These include, for example, biopolymers which can replace conventional plastics in 3D printing or as packaging material. In addition, plastic as a lightweight construction material is fundamental to the realization of a CO2-neutral energy and mobility transition. Syngas fermentation (CO2 and „green“ hydrogen into low-molecular energy carriers) as an example of innovative sustainable oil and platform chemical production.

Routes to Green Propylene

Syngas fermentation (CO2 and „green“ hydrogen into low-molecular energy carriers) as an example of innovative sustainable oil and platform chemical production.

All of the technologies and projects mentioned can be networked synergistically with another. The approach is always to be able to use technologies in different industries and application areas as early as the basic development stage, thus minimizing costs and effort. At the same time, new market areas will be opened up and knowledge and know-how from one area can be adapted for other applications.

By incorporating all subject areas into development from the outset and taking them into account as far as possible, a broad range of applications is available. Existing technologies and those being developed in parallel are constantly audited, interfaces are sought or created and a circular approach is pursued. In the end, this enables all existing technologies to be optimally networked, all flows to be used and an efficient, reliable circular model is created that supplies different industries with valuable products.

A key component for the successful implementation and marketing of the developed technologies, processes and materials is their combination and the development of application-oriented, ready-to-use projects. Available technologies are combined with existing infrastructure in a modular project and built to customer specifications. An example of this is the concept for a modular, circular agricultural operation.

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